The DOX Archive Application System is developed using PHP programming language, MySQL database, and Apache web server. The system aims to support the digitalization and integration of documents or archives, providing ease in document retrieval and assisting in the comprehensive management of document storage from the initial operational process.
Process of the DOX Archive Application System: The DOX Archive Application System is designed to facilitate and support the overall operational activities, including storage requests, retrieval process of archive boxes from customers, archive storage, maintenance, delivery requests, and generating reports.
Objectives of the DOX Archive Application System:
1. Provide a database of the existing documents for each customer.
2. Provide information on the number of stored archive boxes for each customer.
3. Provide information on the availability of storage space on the shelves for archiving.
4. Include tasks such as loan requests, archive storage requests, archive disposal requests, and other service forms.
5. Identify application interfaces, both internally (fileXpert) and for customers.
6. Enable real-time connectivity of the application.
7. Facilitate the approval process for various menu options in the DOX Archive Application.
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